酒莊: Domaine de Fa
產區: 法國-勃根地·薄酒萊-弗勒莉(Fleurie)
葡萄品種: 100 % Gamay
酒精濃度: 13 %
容量: 750ml
陳釀: 整串葡萄堆疊發酵,並採用半二氧化碳浸漬(semi-carbonic maceration),並於水泥槽以及部分300公升舊橡木桶中進行陳窖10-12個月,裝瓶前全程沒有經過澄清過濾。
Roche Guillon是位於 Fleurie著名的粉紅色花崗岩上,是坡面向西,占地3公頃的葡萄園,產量極少。葡萄園如同En Besset,葡萄園正由有機農法轉化為生物動力法栽種管理.海拔300公尺的山坡地由礫石與黏土所組成。在這Fleurie最高海拔之一的葡萄園上栽種著45年以上的Gamay,呈現出濃郁緊實薄酒萊佳釀,給予了葡萄更加濃郁集中的風味。被認為最適合用<女性>來形容弗勒莉特級村莊,因此Fleurie有著薄酒萊之后的美稱! 帶有野花、番紅花和覆盆莓、黑莓的氣息,並有岩石、甘草、茴香和礦物質的味道。單寧細緻且優雅,非常適合搭配白肉、羊小排、魚類等單純料理。
建議飲用溫度:12 - 14 °C
"Wafting from the glass with aromas of raspberries, plums, smoked meats and potpourri, the 2018 Fleurie Roche Guillon is medium to full-bodied, rich and fleshy, with powdery tannins, ripe acids and a carnal finish. Like all these releases, I suspect it will be at its best young, but it has turned out well. 90/100." by William Kelley - The Wine Advocate.
"Bright violet. A highly perfumed bouquet evokes ripe red and blue fruits, baking spices and a smoky mineral overtone. In an elegant, precise style for the vintage, offering appealingly sweet black raspberry, cherry, lavender pastille and allspice flavors that show excellent depth as well as energy. An undercurrent of juicy acidity adds nerve to the impressively long, floral-dominated finish, which echoes the spicy notes. Drinking window: 2023 - 2031. 93/100." by
Spectator Wine Club
"The 2018 Domaine de Fa Fleurie Roche Guillon is a glorious, grown up Beaujolais, full of roses, strawberries and raspberries. Made by interloping Rhône royalty Antoine and Maxime Graillot, it’s ideal for substantial but carefree summer drinking." by

在北隆河聲名遠播的Graillot家族,由Alain Graillot開啟了人們對Syrah葡萄酒美好的印象,如今Domaine Alain的莊主與釀酒師Graillot兄弟-Maxim與Antoine決定跨出他們所熟悉的隆河谷地,透過對Gamay的熱愛,轉向更北方的產區作出挑戰-出產Gamay的葡萄酒產區-薄酒萊。
2013年Graillot兄弟在聖阿穆爾(Saint Amour)的花崗岩上擁有 5 公頃的土地,在弗勒莉(Fleurie)最高的地方擁有 3 公頃的土地,Saint-Amour有近1公頃的葡萄園。 該莊園遵循生物動力葡萄栽培,做最少的干預。 這位才華橫溢的兄弟習慣於單一品種的葡萄酒, 因此,這些葡萄酒口感乾淨、精確,注重新鮮度和水果香氣,並積極成為當地不可忽視的頂尖酒廠。